
Contact status report: failures: 1; successes: 2? 3?

Well, I e-mailed my old contact, and got back a bounce message:

Delivery to the following recipient failed permanently:

    [address redacted]

Technical details of permanent failure:
Google tried to deliver your message, but it was rejected by the recipient domain. We recommend contacting the other email provider for further information about the cause of this error. The error that the other server returned was: 550 550 Requested action not taken: mailbox unavailable (state 14).


Ah well, though... I've gone ahead and submitted a contact-us form with Titan Worldwide (who runs the bus advertising for Metro. Oh, and poking around on Metro's site, I find that they list another contact, so I e-mailed her. I got an immediate automatic response to that, as well: this time, an out-of-the-office auto reply for an extended leave. So, I forwarded it on to the other guy. And lo, yet another out-of-the-office reply! This one's only for one business day, though. I can wait until Monday. :-)

More to come!

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